

大黄蜂项目/Bumblebee Project:

Bumblebee aims to provide support for NVIDIA Optimus laptops for GNU/Linux distributions. Using Bumblebee, you can use your NVIDIA card for rendering graphics which will be displayed using the Intel card.



Bumblebee 3.0 is supported up to Ubuntu version 12.10./大黄蜂3.0现已支持友邦拓12.10(Ubuntu12.10)版本。

You need to open your terminal and enter the commands below./你需要先打开一个终端来运行一下命令

  1. 首先执行以下命令添加Bumblebee的PPA源:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bumblebee/stable
  2. For more up-to-date nvidia drivers, you need to add another PPA. As of 12.04, this is still necessary for Nvidia GT 6xxM cards. It may be optional for the GT 4xxM and GT 5xxM series on 12.04. When in doubt, just install it. The command is:使用以下命令来添加英伟达(NVDIDA)驱动的私有软件包(Personal Package Archives)更新源:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates
  3. sudo apt-get update
  4. Install Bumblebee using the proprietary nvidia driver:/安装大黄蜂(Bumblebee)并使用英伟达(nVidia)驱动:

    sudo apt-get install bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia linux-headers-generic
  5. Reboot or re-login/重新启动你的计算机或者注销当前用户并登录:
    For advanced users, if you do not want to use the proprietary nvidia driver or 32-bit libraries (for example, if you are only interested in power savings), install bumblebee with:/对于高级用户,如果你需要32位运行函数库(例如你需要节约能源消耗),使用如下方式安装大黄蜂:

    sudo apt-get install –no-install-recommends bumblebee linux-headers-generic

    linux-headers-generic is necessary since bbswitch (the power saving module) is a kernel module./linux-headers-generic这个软件包是必须的,因为bbswitch(能源管理模块)是个内核模块。


If you already got Bumblebee installed on your system, upgrade to Bumblebee 3.0./如果你以前安装过大黄蜂在你的系统中,升级它到大黄蜂3.0版本。

Please, follow the instructions on this wiki: /请查看这篇维基:https://github.com/Bumblebee-Project/Bumblebee/wiki/Upgrading-on-Ubuntu


To run your application with the discrete NVIDIA card run in the terminal:/在终端中使用英伟达独立显卡来运行你的应用程序/游戏:

$ optirun [options] <application> [application-parameters]
$ optirun [选项] <应用程序> [应用程序的参数]


$ optirun firefox
上例为使用英伟达独立显卡运行火狐浏览器 For a list of options for optirun run:/查看所有的选项列表:
$ optirun --help
Normally you do not use optirun for your window manager, installations or other non graphic heavy demanding programs. The optirun command is mainly used for graphic demanding programs or for games.一般情况下你不需要使用optirun来启动你的窗口管理器,按照其他图形能力要求不高的程序。optirun命令是用来运行具有高的图形要求的程序和游戏使用的。 ## 能源管理/Power Management: A primary goal of this project is to not only enable use of the discrete GPU for rendering, but also to enable smart power management of the dGPU when it's not in use. We're using either bbswitch (a module) or vga_switcheroo (kernel module, experimental) to do this in Bumblebee./这个项目的主要目标是使具备双显卡的笔记本电脑能够在Ubuntu下使用到独立显卡的功能,还包含了智能电源管理,我们使用bbswitch(一个模块)或者vga_switcheroo(内核模块,试验性功能)。 Since Bumblebee 3.0, this feature is enabled by default, using bbswitch. This allow automatic power management, without any configuration needs./在大黄蜂3.0下,这个功能默认是打开的,对能源进行自动管理,不需要人工配置且没有其他的要求。 If Power Management doesn't work on your laptop, please go to this Power Management (PM) page and help to improve Bumblebee./如果电源管理不能工作在你的笔记本上,请到电源管理页面帮助大黄蜂。 ## 因特网中继聊天/IRC: Please join #bumblebee channel on Freenode if you wish to help testing and creating the installer./如果你需要帮助请加入在Freenode上的IRC频道 #bumblebee。 ## 报告程序错误/Reporting bugs/problems: First of all: If you have any problem, please read this article: /如果你发现任何问题有错误,请阅读此处:http://wiki.Bumblebee-Project.org/Troubleshooting If your issue is not solved, you can join the 如果你的反馈没有得到回应,请加入这个 #bumblebee IRC channel to ask for help (recommended)./IRC频道来寻求帮助 See also http://wiki.Bumblebee-Project.org/Reporting-Issues If you're asked to create a bugreport, run the next command in a terminal: /如果你需要一份报告来描述问题,执行以下命令:
sudo bumblebee-bugreport


If you’re unsatisfied with Bumblebee, you can remove it via:/如果你对大黄蜂的表现不满意,你可以卸载他:

sudo apt-get install ppa-purge

sudo ppa-purge ppa:bumblebee/stable

If you want to keep some programs from the bumblebee repository, you can also suffice by removing Bumblebee only (including its dependencies):/如果你需要将所有大黄蜂的依赖包一并删除:

sudo apt-get purge bumblebee

sudo apt-get –purge autoremove

本文由 洪朔 翻译自 Ubuntu Wiki,原文地址:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee
注:本文适用于「Intel/英特尔核心显卡」和「NVIDIA/英伟达核心显卡」并且正在使用Ubuntu ( 包括 11.04 / 11.10 / 12.04 LTS / 12.10 / 13.04 等主流版本 )计算机使用 Bumblebee/大黄蜂项目 来达到双显卡切换的目的,其对于「ATI显卡」不适用。